Power plug and electrical outlet types
Below you can find images of all the different types of power plugs and electrical outlets that are in use around the world.
Type ANo alternative | Type BType A plugs will also fit in type B sockets | Type CType E and F plugs will also fit in type C sockets |
Type DNo alternative | Type EType C and F plugs will also fit in type E sockets | Type FType C and E plugs will also fit in type F sockets |
Type GNo alternative | Type HType C plugs will also fit in type H sockets | Type INo alternative |
Type JType C plugs will also fit in type J sockets | Type KType C plugs will also fit in type K sockets (unsafe compatibility with E & F) | Type LType C plugs will also fit in type L sockets |
Type MNo alternative | Type NType C plugs will also fit in type N sockets | Type OType C plugs will also fit in type O sockets (unsafe compatibility with E & F) |
Document download: Power plug and electrical outlet types
TAG: ,Voltage and frequency used around the world,